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We endeavor to do life together and strengthen one another in our daily walk with Christ! Whether we are gathering for a time of fellowship or bible study, we are so much more than church!
There is truly something for everyone in the family.

-  Children's Ministries  -  Student Ministries  -  Adult Ministries  -



We teach Bible-based curriculum and encourage children to discover who God is by experiencing His love for them. We have a passion that will ignite a desire for more of Christ and to equip your children spiritually by promoting scripture memory and prayer in the various stages of life! 1 Timothy 4:12

- Click the images below for more info -

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Ages 0-2

Ages 3-6

STUDENT ministries

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Faith Academy | Ages 7-12

During Sunday Services, the growing school-aged kids have
fun learning the Word through lessons, games & more!

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Youth | Ages 13-17

During Sunday Services, the youth have an opportunity to grow, learn the Word and apply His truths through lessons, games & more!



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Connect Group | 18+

Once a Month Event for adults looking for a time of fun, food and fellowship with like-minded friends.

LFC Women's Group

Throughout the year, we gather together to grow in unity, have fun together and reach out to others.


LFC Men's Group

Throughout the year, we gather together to be men, to take care of God's House and learn to be better husbands, fathers and sons.

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